The Waaktaar method
Pål H. Christiansen had a chat with Pål Waaktaar-Savoy about Tessa Weitemeier’s novel Rain is Rain in Manglerud where Christiansen’s own character Hobo Highbrow returns and meets his hero. It’s March 2022 and Pål Waaktaar-Savoy is soon off touring with a-ha after an unvoluntary break during Covid-19. Fans from all over the world have waited…
Fra arkivet: Herman holder kjeft
intervjuet 24. februar 2003 Brynjulf Jung Tjønn, f.1980, forlagssjef og forfatter. Herman holder kjeft Pål H. Christiansens romaner er så morsomme at de blir plassert under “Humor”-avdelingen på bibliotekene. BJT: Forfatterskapet ditt er preget av humoristiske skildringer, snodige karakterer og merkverdige handlinger. Hvorfor? PHC: Det er bare sånn det blir. De fleste skjønner ikke humoren…
The Highbrow archives: First Hobo-text (1989)
From Pål H. Christiansen novel “Harry var ikke ved sine fulle fem“, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1989 Translation by Ingerid White I am not very good at crossing streets in the full light of day, when the traffic is heavy and there are a lot of things going on in the city. It’s then that…
The Highbrow archives: The Origin of Hobo
“The funniest debut novel I can remember to have read ever,” the Norwegian critic and essayist Henning Hagerup wrote in his review of “Harry var ikke ved sine fulle fem” way back in 1989. Hobo Highbrow from “Drømmer om storhet” (2002), appeared as one of several main characters in this book. Looking back to the…
Hobo and the mistress of Ari Onassis
There are several things you don’t know about my novel The Scoundrel Days of Hobo Highbrow. One of them I will tell you about now: The model for the character Mrs.Høilund was an old woman I used to help out with some practical things in her apartment when I was a student in Oslo in…